среда, 20 марта 2013 г.

Muffin Stories : The Mother Crab and Baby Crab | Children's Tales, Stories

The Mother Crab and Baby Crab

On a white sand beach near the blue ocean, there lived a mother crab and a baby crab.
The small baby crab was walking sideways.
The mother crab was watching from a distance and said to the baby crab.
"You shouldn't walk sideways like that. You should look ahead and walk straight."
"Yes, mommy."
The baby crab made up his mind to walk straight.
But what do you think happened?
The baby crab began to walk sideways again.
"I told you to walk straight. Why don't you listen to me?"
"Mommy, it's not that easy. I'm trying to walk straight, but my body keeps going sideways."
"That's not right. You should walk straight. Now try again."
The baby crab set his mind again to walk straight.
However, the baby crab was walking sideways again.
"How frustrating. I'll show you. Watch and follow me."
The baby crab watched his mother walk.
What do you supposed happened? The mother crab was also walking sideways.
"Oh, what's wrong with me?"
The mother crab tried to walk again, but she was walking sideways again.
"Why do you keep walking sideways?"
"I'm not sure. I didn't walk like this before."
However, no matter how much the mother crab wanted to walk straight, she kept walking sideways.
"Mommy, maybe crabs can only walk sideways."
That's right. Crabs can only walk sideways. That's just the way it is.
After the mother crab heard the baby crab, she was so embarrassed that she quickly went home and hid.

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